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Are they on drugs or what?

07-10-2008, 8:53:39 AM Por:
Are they on drugs or what?

On the very day that Wall Street tumbled even lower, and financial pundits speculated at the inevitable economic crash of the U.S., the Screen Actors Guild announced today that they are confident union members will support authorizing a strike against major Hollywood studios is the issue is put to a vote. This after several months […]

On the very day that Wall Street tumbled even lower, and financial pundits speculated at the inevitable economic crash of the U.S., the Screen Actors Guild announced today that they are confident union members will support authorizing a strike against major Hollywood studios is the issue is put to a vote. This after several months of fear mongering and studio go slows, anticipating the very possibility following the crippling effects of the earlier Writers’ Guild strike.  The board is set to decide the matter at the general membership meeting on October 18th.

Considering that the town was virtually brought to its knees during the recent Writers’ strike, and that the entire country is on the verge of a bank crash, it seems insane and downright inappropriate to even be considering a strike at this moment. Aren’t we supposed to be taking care of one another at times like this???

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autor Es escritora, fotógrafa, cineasta y vive en Hollywood con su esposo y su traviesa cachorrita Airedale. Promete estar más activa en Twitter y espera que el guión que escribió con su hermano se convierta en película.