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24-10-2008, 9:33:33 AM Por:

Which presidential candidate does Daniel Craig think would make the better James Bond? “No contest. Obama would be the better president because, if he’s true to his word, he’d be willing to quite literally look the enemy in the eye and go toe-to-toe with them.” As for McCain, “He’d be better suited to play Bond’s […]

Which presidential candidate does Daniel Craig think would make the better James Bond? “No contest. Obama would be the better president because, if he’s true to his word, he’d be willing to quite literally look the enemy in the eye and go toe-to-toe with them.” As for McCain, “He’d be better suited to play Bond’s cranky boss M. There is, come to think of it, a kind of Judi Dench quality to McCain.”

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autor Es escritora, fotógrafa, cineasta y vive en Hollywood con su esposo y su traviesa cachorrita Airedale. Promete estar más activa en Twitter y espera que el guión que escribió con su hermano se convierta en película.