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Sexo a la Na’vi

14-01-2010, 1:05:02 PM Por:
Sexo a la Na’vi

Ya nos habíamos enterado que James Cameron editó la escena de sexo entre Jakesully y Neytiri en Avatar, pero lo que no sabíamos era la manera exacta en cómo sucedía. Bueno, pues ahora que FOX lanzó el guión en la red, podemos saber todos los detalles, ¿listos? EXT. RAINFOREST – NIGHT NEYTIRI You are Omaticaya […]

Ya nos habíamos enterado que James Cameron editó la escena de sexo entre Jakesully y Neytiri en Avatar, pero lo que no sabíamos era la manera exacta en cómo sucedía. Bueno, pues ahora que FOX lanzó el guión en la red, podemos saber todos los detalles, ¿listos?


You are Omaticaya now.  You may make your
own bow from the wood of Hometree.
(she looks away)
And you may choose a woman.

The Amazon warrior trying so hard to sound casual.  Jake
suppresses a smile.

We have many fine women. Ninat is the
best singer.
I don’t want Ninat.
There is Beyral, she is a good hunter.
I’ve already chosen. But this woman must
also choose me.

She takes his hands and their fingers intertwine, moving
gently over each other.

She already has.

He puts his face close to hers.  She rubs her cheek against
his. He kisses her on the mouth. They explore each other.
Then she pulls back, eyes sparkling.

Kissing is very good. But we have
something better.

She pulls him down until they are kneeling, facing each other on the faintly glowing moss.

Neytiri takes the end of her queue and raises it.  Jake does the same, with trembling anticipation. The tendrils at the ends move with a life of their own, straining to be joined.

JAKE rocks with the direct contact between his nervous system and hers. The ultimate intimacy. They come together into a kiss and sink down on the bed of moss, and ripples of light spread out around them.

THE WILLOWS sway, without wind, and the night is alive with
pulsing energy as we DISSOLVE TO –

LATER.  She is collapsed across his chest.  Spent.  He
strokes her face tenderly.

Neytiri, you know my real body is far
away, sleeping.
She raises up, placing her fingertips to his chest —
This body is real.
(she touches his forehead)
This spirit is real.
Her eyes are luminous, honest, infinitely deep.
When I was first your teacher, I hated
all Sky People.  But you have also taught
Spirit is all that matters.

She lays her head down, against his chest, listening to his

I am with you now, Jake. We are mated for
We are?
Yes. It is our way.
Oh. I forgot to tell?

He rouses up, making her look at him.

Really, we are?
We are.

Jake considers this.

It’s cool. I’m there.

He lays his head down, and her arms enfold him, sheltering 
him as he sleeps.

Jake’s eyes open in the darkness. He just lies there,
thinking. In his coffin. In another world.

Así que, ¿qué aprendimos? Que con sus tendrils, los Na’vi tienen sexo. Ahora, en esta secuencia no se habla de ningún otro tipo de interacción, lo cual levanta una interesante cuestión… si así tienen sexo los Na’vi, entonces ¿qué es lo que sucede cuando hacen lo mismo con las plantas, árboles y animales?

Sólo algo en qué pensar… las teorías son bienvenidas. Y BTW, ¡sigo siendo fans de Avatar!


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