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15-10-2008, 10:52:06 AM Por:

We’ve been watching all things politic get nastier and nastier and last week it finally hit an all time low. While those on the left criticize real issues, (and okay, we all laugh at Tina Fey’s hilarious impersonation of vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin) the right has taken campaigning to an all-time low. Last week, in […]

We’ve been watching all things politic get nastier and nastier and last week it finally hit an all time low. While those on the left criticize real issues, (and okay, we all laugh at Tina Fey’s hilarious impersonation of vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin) the right has taken campaigning to an all-time low. Last week, in their desperate attempt to paint Barack Obama as untrustworthy, the McCain campaign unleashed a series of baseless character smears that have ignited a dangerous undercurrent of rage among their supporters.

Invoking Obama’s middle name is just one of the irresponsible ways McCain’s team has tried to link his opponent to terrorism. Here then is a fun little video made in response to that disgraceful ploy.


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